Tuesday, October 2, 2012

PUBLIX: New $50 in Savings Coupon Booklet via Stocking Spree (Register for a free booklet)

This is for folks who have a Publix, I remember shopping there when I lived in Alabama!  Memories!

Publix will mail out new Stocking Spree booklets in December. If you have not registered for Stocking Spree before go here to do so.  If you have, you do not need to re-register you'll receive the booklet automatically. Your winter booklet with over $50 in savings should arrive in the mail between 12/1–12/7/2012


In addition to the Stocking Spree coupon booklet mailer, they have more savings exclusively in-store. Just head to your local Publix® Super Market to save instantly from October 25 through November 7.

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