Saturday, October 20, 2012

Shoe Box Ideas!

Here are some creative but yet resourceful ways to use your freebies. 

Shoeboxes for the needy - Blessing others in need
In the spirit of giving this Christmas, make up a few extra shoeboxes for the needy. You can make daily care boxes; boxes filled with puzzles and toys, or food boxes.  Check with your local church or community to see if they are having a "Shoe Box" program this year, they may have a specific need.  Let's pay it forward!!

Themed boxes
 Baby Box (to use with doll or stuffed animal) for expectant/new parents: Line the interior of the box with hay or straw and include soothers, bibs, wipes, newborn disposable diapers, empty plastic baby food jars, baby-sized spoon, infant clothes, baby blanket, wash cloth, pacifier, rattle and bib.a disposable camera, thank-you notes, a pen, blank announcement cards, stamps, labels, and a phone card.

Comforts of home box for the college student: Line the exterior of the box with an actual area map (either the original or a photo copy). With a bright pen, trace the actual route between your home and the college your son or daughter is attending. Along the interior sides of the box, glue photographs of your child, your home, perhaps photos of family gatherings, or special times together.Include a long distance telephone card, rolls of quarters, stamps, pre-addressed envelopes or labels, pens, perhaps a gift certificate to a local restaurant that serves home cooked meals.

Comfort box for the senior: Select a family photo and lay it on the center of the shoebox lid. Apply clear plastic adhesive paper to the top of the lid, smoothing the plastic from the center, outward. All too often, seniors receive items,which are not useful. Consider giving gifts of your time. A hug or a phone call means more to a lonely senior than anything store-bought.Create “coupons” redeemable for various chores or outdoor excursions. Record a collection of poetry, or narrate a short story onto a cassette. Encourage the recipient to write stories from their childhood and include a blank journal or diary.

Shoebox fun for kids: The children will enjoy making (and sending) a winter scene “viewfinder” out of a simple shoebox. (Substitute grass, straw or hay instead of fiberfill for a manger scene).
Cut a rectangular shape out of the lid of the shoebox, leaving about a two-inch margin all the way around. Tape a piece of white tissue paper, tracing paper, or plastic wrap to the inside of the lid. This will be a skylight of sorts, allowing sunlight to shine through.
On the side of the shoebox, cut out another rectangular shape, once again allowing for ample margins. (This will be the viewing area of the scene).
Wrap the outside of the box with wrapping paper, or create a design with felt markers, glitter, crayons or stickers.
Measure, cut, and glue white or navy-blue construction paper or plain color craft paper to the inside of the box.
Glue fiberfill or cotton balls to the inside bottom, for snow.
Streak glue all over the fiberfill and shake sparkles on top.
Cut out people and scenes from old Christmas cards, photos, or calendars and position the pictures along the “walls” of the shoebox.

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