Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Whoo Hoo - Pinecone Research is looking for panelists!

Okay, this is the only survey group I personally do.  It's simple and they don't overwhelm you with emails, I get maybe one survey to do once a week, it really depends on you as far as the questions they ask you when finding surveys for you to take.  I get paid almost immediately ($3 per survey) in my paypal account (usually the same day I take it).  I used to have the checks mailed to me (you get your checks 3-4 days after you've taken survey).  But I like paypal better, since I pay some online shopping stuff when paypal is offered as a form of payment. Since I usually do one a week, I don't mind taking the time it takes to answer them (10-15 minutes).  The questions can be quite redundant but for $3, I don't mind.  On occasion they will send you products to test and keep and pay you again ($3) for reviewing it.  Not everyone will qualify to get in, but it's worth a shot.  If you have any questions about it, you can always send me a message :)

So if interested Pinecone Research is looking for panelists!  So Register to join the Pinecone Research Panel for an opportunity to evaluate new product ideas in the comfort of your own home and earn cash rewards for your opinions. Click Here

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